
BWR Nr. 3 – year 2012 – FOCUS

BWR Nr. 3 – year 2012 – FOCUS



Latercer Group is a leading brick manufacturer made up of six companies located throughout Argentina: Latercer, Ceramica Fanelli, Quilmes, Palmar Cordoba, Ceramica Cañuelas and Palmar Cunmalleu. The slogan that has always accompanied the Group’s mission is “investing for growth”.

Furthermore, at all the factories we have modified the extruders to increase production by 25%, up from 47-48 tons/hour to more than 60 tons/hour. This was achieved thanks to collaboration with the Italian company Tecnofiliere, which has always supported our group’s companies in the design of new products and has constantly offered innovative solutions
tailored to the real needs of each factory.

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